Thursday, January 3, 2008

My Inbox and My Thoughts

The asterisk (*) marks the messages I found in my Inbox today, followed by my thoughts on each <<( )>>.


*I have never heard her moan so loud, with 2 inches in length, she loves my new penis!

<<(Just 2 inches??!!)>>

*Gain up to 3+ inches in length.

<<(Added to what I have that would be....embarrassing!)>>

*Don't be left out, join millions of men in the revolution oz- You get more women...

<<(Millions of men are revolting in "oz"? I didn't realize there were that many people in Dorothy's dream...)>>

*Insufficient size of male package can be changed! -He had cost clients $80 million...

<<(Having a small penis will cause others to lose millions?! Better get the measurements of your stock broker!)>>

*Now you can enlarge your dik more effectively!

<<(It's spelled d-i-c-k.)>>

*Bigger pen 1 s in 4 weeks! -Imelda Kerns

<<(I wait 7 minutes for my meals, 30 minutes for my photos, 45 minutes for the laundry....and you expect me to wait 4 weeks for a bigger penis?! I'm going out tonight, "Imelda"!)>>

*Super size means super satisfaction!


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